Security for Your Records – Using Technology as Your Backup

secure_data_400_clr_5840Assessing risk is one of the critical roles for any manager. Understanding how to mitigate that risk and finding a budget-friendly solution is the challenge. When important records and other documents are lost or damaged by natural disasters, theft or for other reasons, knowing that information is backed up can solve one of your biggest and most immediate problems. How to access a record that’s no longer physically retrievable.

Using new technologies, records in any format or media can be protected. Whether it’s a CD, microfiche, photograph, scan or even email record, records storage and management companies can provide reliable and quick access to backed-up data.

Here are a few of the features that a secure records storage facility can now offer:

  • Buildings designed to withstand high winds and fire, with full backup power.
  • 24/7 monitoring of facilities with temperature and humidity controls to ensure records are kept safe.
  • Digital access to your records whenever you need it, eliminating the need to physically view a record.
  • Door to door service for pickup and delivery to ensure records security and confidentiality.

Don’t let Mother Nature put your personal or business records at risk. Talk to a records storage and management professional and let technology help you avoid a records disaster.


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