5 Benefits of Shifting to Electronic Medical Records

Document Management FodlerFor decades, providers and clinicians have documented everything from the patient encounter on paper and charts; so it’s no surprise most medical offices are bulging with files. With the adoption of electronic medical record systems (EMR), practices and healthcare facilities are now struggling with how to handle and convert thousands of paper records. Organizing, preparing, scanning and ensuring the quality of the files can take countless hours for medical staff to complete.

This kind of transition really requires a partnership between the health care office or system and the records management provider. There are a number of benefits to EMRs, both for the healthcare facility and patients:

  • Record retention schedules are maintained. Instead of saving medical records for years longer than necessary, or destroying them before you should, the documents are retained for the proper period of time so providers are protected during an audit.
  • Information is accessible 24/7. Patient information is made available when and where it is needed to allow providers to diagnose health issues earlier and ensure continuity of care.
  • Information is complete and accurate. Patient care documentation is real-time and more complete with increased accuracy making it easier for providers to know more about their patients and their health history.
  • Increased patient involvement. EMRs encourage patients to take an active role in monitoring their health records in a secure online environment.
  • Compliance. When healthcare providers adopt an EMR system, the providers comply with the requirements set by federal and state regulations.

Once you’re done with the initial transition it really is easy to maintain and monitor your records. That’s why it’s important to work with a records management firm that you trust and someone with experience in the business.

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