Document Destruction Collection Containers

A Secure Repository for Disposing of Documents

Destruction Collection Containers

SSBRM secure collection console. Furniture-like, this console can sit anywhere in your offices and not look out of place.

Most businesses are still swimming in paper, and file cabinets full of old business records take up costly office space that can be used to generate revenue. Regularly disposing of no-longer-needed documents can certainly help tame the paper trail and lower overhead costs, which is why many companies invest in paper shredding machines.

Yet, utilizing these devices requires both a major time investment and a lot of patience. Paperclips and staples must be removed from documents, and even then, there’s no guarantee that your shredder won’t jam. With all of these headaches, sensitive documents often end up in a waste or recycling bin, potentially exposing private client and/or business information.

Secure, Cost-Effective, and Convenient

Stevens & Stevens’ shred collection container service offers a secure, convenient, and time-saving solution for the destruction of paper documents and files.  There’s no need to remove sticky notes, rubber bands, or even staples—simply drop whole files into the locked bin and go about focusing on your business. Our destruction containers eliminate the “lazy toss” of documents and files into trash receptacles and help your organization comply with the privacy legislation addressed by the following regulations:

  • GLB

Various Shred Collection Containers to Meet Your Business Needs

Destruction Bins

SSBRM secure, wheeled collection bin. More industrial looking, these bins come in multiple sizes to support your requirements.

We offer our clients office shredding collection consoles and bins of various sizes. These attractive and lockable containers are placed conveniently in high-traffic office areas where confidential documents can easily be dropped inside. Once a document or file is placed in a container, it cannot be retrieved, thus providing a secure repository for your information.

Once your shred collection containers are filled, one of our screened and trained team members will arrive at your facility to collect the bin or empty the console. Your container is tracked until the contents are destroyed. We are committed to maintaining a strict chain of custody throughout the pickup, transport, and shredding process. After your documents have been destroyed, we provide you with a Certificate of Destruction for your records.

Our shred collection container service ensures that your confidential documents are destroyed in a timely and secure manner, and also offers the following benefits:

  • Prevention of identity theft
  • Protection of trade secrets
  • Minimized risk of corporate espionage
  • HIPAA, FACTA, and GLB compliance

The frequency of service and number of containers is based on your specific business needs. We’ll help you choose the solution that best complements your document destruction program.

For more information, please call 855-573-3900 or complete the form on this page.